This topic covers the procedure steps of installing TeamSite version 6.7.1 SP1. TeamSite (TS) can be installed on a server that supports either OS platform:
- MS Windows
- Solaris
- Linux
However this blog will only cover installing TS on a Windows environment.
Installation Path
The required steps in order for TS installation are as follows below. Basically there are 5 package installation software that needs to be installed:
- Install TeamSite base server release v.6.7.1
- Install TeamSite search server release
- Install TeamSite v6.7.1 Service Pack 1
- Install TeamSite search server Service Pack 1
- Install Workflow Modeler
- Get appropriate license keys for TeamSite from support.interwoven.com.au
- Download all the five TeamSite package installation software from Interwoven support
- Temporary turn off all services runnign Anti-Virus software prior to installing TeamSite. Then enable the virus software after TeamSite installation is complete.
- IIS v6 has been installed on the server machine that will run TeamSite
- Install SQL 2000/2005 on the TeamSite server. Create a database (named tsevents). Create a database admin account (sa account for SQL)
- Install Java RunTime (minimum v1.5 or later)
- .NET Framework 2 has been installed (if the server is hosting .NET applications)
- Install SQL 2000/2005 (If TS server is using SQL 2005 then prefer to install JBDC 2000 driver first as TeamSite Installation only picks up 2000 JBDC driver. Then later install 2005 driver) JDBC driver has been installed in the TeamSite server
- Appropriate users and groups has been added to Active Directory
- Domain name has been created and shared in TeamSite server box
Installing TeamSite
1. Login into the server with system domain administrator. Then follow and read the instruction here on how to install TemSite 6.7.1 Service Pack 1. Accept all default value in the installation instructions except for the directory lcoation of TS should be at c:\interwoven\teamsite folder. You should also obtain the following license key from Interwoven support before you start installing. There will be errors found if user skip getting a license key and install TS.
- TeamSite license key (TS.lic file)
- ContentServices SOAP server license key
- ReportCenter license key (optional)
Provide Interwoven support with the following information about the server:
- Hostname
- Domain
- Product version
- Platform OS
- Number of CPUs
2. After installing Teamsite base release v6.7.1 with the license key, reboot the server and during the loading of window, Interwoven TS dialog bow will pop up with status message saying to wait awhile while TS configures IIS and adds a default TS user and group to AD.
3. After rebooting the server for the first time after installing TS, ensure that virtual Y drive has been created and ensure that the following 6 TS services are running (Control panel->administrative tool->services):
- Interwoven Event Subsystem
- Interwoven Proxy
- Interwoven servlet Engine
- Interwoven TeamSite
- Interwoven TeamSite Utility Daemon
- Interwoven Web Daemon
If any of the TS service is not running and/or Y drive has not been created, type "iwreset -a" in command prompt.
5. Ensure that TS login screen is loaded in the internet browser by going to URL: http://localhost/iw-cc/command/iw.ui and that you are able to log into TS using the administrator's windows authnetication account.
6. After succesfully logging into TS, add all the approiate AD users into TS, including IIS anonymous user TSIMP_. Add all AD users to TeamSite Preview AD group. Note: The list of all available users displayed in TeamSite are retreieve from Active Directory or LDAP. So if you want to add a user in TeamSite but is not displayed in TS, you need to add that new user in AD/LDAP first. Always reset TS or reboot the server everytime you have added a new AD/LDAP user so that TS will be updated with the list of new users from AD/LDAP.
7. Add a new TS group. Add existing members (created from step 6) and managers to the TS group.
8. Add appropriate roles to the TS group (created from step 7) to the selected branch.
Note: Before installing TeamSite Search server base release v2, you must ensure that all TS services is running, y drive created and can log into TS.
9. Install TS search server base release v2.0 See http://support.interwoven.com/library/manuals/teamsite/html/671/ts.installwin/02_installing19.html for instructions and install it at c:\interwoven\search folder. Then reboot server after installation is complete.10. Install Teamsite v6.7.1 SP 1 and reboot the server after installation.
11. Install TS search server SP 1 and reboot the server after installation.
12. Install Redirector module for IIS - See http://support.interwoven.com/library/manuals/teamsite/html/671/ts.installwin/03_webServer7.html#wp1170385
13. Redirect NSAPI HTTPS request. See http://support.interwoven.com/library/manuals/teamsite/html/671/ts.installwin/03_webServer11.html#wp718293
14. Install lcoal file manager. See http://support.interwoven.com/library/manuals/teamsite/html/671/ts.installwin/04_clients3.html#wp1126238
15. Mount the TS server file system (i.e. Y drive on the server) as a shared network drive. See http://support.interwoven.com/library/manuals/teamsite/html/671/ts.installwin/04_clients6.html#wp1123940
16. Create the branches and the workarea for each branch. See http://support.interwoven.com/library/manuals/teamsite/html/671/ts.installwin/05_content6.html#wp482158
17. Give TS group and users access permission to the newly created branches.
18. Publish all files located at
19. Configure event sub-system to use SQL 2005 JDBC driver. See:
- https://support.interwoven.com/kb/kb_show_article2.asp?ArticleID=56631
- http://support.interwoven.com/library/manuals/teamsite/html/671/ts.adminwin/config.server21.html
- Note the following: i) Download SQL JDBC driver version 1.1. (version 1.2 does NOT work well) ii) Firstly create a new database and a SQL Server authenication user that is reflected in the jmsconfignew.xml file. iii)Run the create_sqlserver.sql script for the new database created in step ii.
20. Configure SQL 2005 to allow remote connection by the SQL JDBC driver. See: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;914277 . Note the following:
- Change the port number of url element tag to 1434 in jmsconfignew.xml file. Then change the TCP/IP port number to 1434 (defaulted to 1433) for "Protocols for MSSQLSERVER" in SQL Server Configuration Manager, because SQL "Native Client Protocols" is already using port 1433. Test it by restarting the "Interwoven Event Subsystem" service and checking to see that there is no error in the log file iw-home\local\logs\eventsubd_err.log.
- Change the Authentication Mode of the SQL server from "Windows Authentication Mode (Windows Authentication)" to "Mixed Mode (Windows Authentication and SQL Server Authentication)". Restart SQL Server service.
- Start the following services: SQL server, agent, browser, Full text and VSS writer.
21. Configure the iw.cfg file and edit it as required for each section. See http://support.interwoven.com/library/manuals/teamsite/html/671/ts.adminwin/iw.cfg4.html for more detail instructions on how to do it.
22. Implement a backup strategy plan for TeamSite. See http://support.interwoven.com/library/manuals/teamsite/html/671/ts.adminwin/backups.html for more details.
23. Configure the Search server - See http://support.interwoven.com/library/manuals/teamsite/html/671/ts.adminwin/search.html#wp999146 for more details.
24. Install Workflow ModellerOnline e-Book:
TeamSite Installation Guide
TeamSite Administration Guide: